Baking VMs to Perfection

I’ve now accomplished one of my previously-mentioned desires, namely, to use Packer to make VMs for Proxmox. After much battling with YAML and esoteric bash commands, I have succeeded in being able to spawn endless VMs, ready to go just how I like them. As with many projects I’ve done, this was thanks to someone else’s hard work; I merely customized it. The repo[s] are in two parts, and for my forks, only the Debian template has been customized....

2021-07-03 · 4 min · Stephan Garland

Might As Well Jump

A friend wanted to learn Linux, so I offered to spin up a VM under Proxmox. Done. Just kidding. I mean, that would work (assuming you handled port forwarding) if you were hitting an IP, but FQDNs are much easier for people to remember. Except ssh isn’t based on HTTP, so how do you forward them? One way is with nginx’s stream module. Something like this suffices. stream { upstream ssh { server $DEST_IP:$SSH_PORT; } server { listen $FORWARDED_PORT; proxy_pass ssh; } } And that’ll handle one person just fine....

2021-02-21 · 3 min · Stephan Garland

Hardware Sucks

It’s coarse and rough and irritating and… it sucks. There’s a reason why cloud providers are wildly popular. Scaling in AWS is incredibly easy; not so much when you’re rolling your own. God help you if you’re doing this by cobbling together disparate groups of enterprise and consumer hardware. Oh wait, that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’ve had a Linux box since 2016 or so. I mean, I dual-booted every distro known to man with Windows when I was a teenager (including bootstrapped Gentoo, and I managed to get a crotchety HP printer to work with it), but I didn’t have a dedicated Linux box until then....

2021-01-03 · 12 min · Stephan Garland