On Being Wrong (Again) – Now With Metrics

Recently, I wrote about being wrong. Specifically germane to this post, I wrote: Being wrong means I probably had some gross misunderstanding of a system’s architecture or the operation of a program, and that means I have an opportunity to learn more about it, and hopefully to be able to guide my decisions. I was involved in an incident where I thought that some EC2 instances had reached disk saturation. This was primarily driven by three factors: referencing an outdated man page, tunnel vision, and missing the units on a graph....

2024-04-30 · 6 min · Stephan Garland

On Being Wrong

I wrote previously about how some things should just work, should not need mucking about with, and how I shifted my NAS’ duties to TrueNAS Scale. I must now inform you that I was incorrect, and have shifted back to running it manually on Debian. I’m a creature of habit. I also like knowing how things work, how to fix them when they don’t, and how to improve them. While TrueNAS (Scale, anyway; I assume Core also) does begrudgingly allow you to ssh in, the MOTD is a warning banner that they guarantee nothing once you’ve touched it outwith their blessed API path....

2024-04-07 · 4 min · Stephan Garland

ADHD? In my brain? It's more likely than you think.

WARNING: This has absolutely nothing to do with tech, short of a mention of GitHub. First, I need to give credit to something I never in a million years thought I would be crediting: Twitter. Specifically pre-Musk Twitter, but anyway. Second, and more importantly, a person: Jaana Dogan. I’m linking to her GitHub profile because a. she’s a Distinguished Engineer there b. it’s less weird. Not like she’s ever going to read this blog anyway, but it still seems more polite....

2023-07-17 · 3 min · Stephan Garland