K8s Misadventures, Pt. 2 – Ceph is easy, and other lies people tell themselves

Ceph is a distributed storage system. That severely understates its complexity and capabilities. Here is its documentation, and if you’re intending on trying Ceph out, I strongly recommend you spend some time thoroughly reading it. All of it. I spent about two weeks on and off studying it, along with Red Hat’s docs (which are much the same, but different enough that it’s worthwhile), various Reddit posts, random Medium blogs, etc....

2022-03-19 · 5 min · Stephan Garland

K8s Misadventures, Pt. 1 - Distributed Systems are Easy

It’s finally happening - I’m splitting compute and storage up, and using k8s to do so. I bought two more Dell R620s, bringing my total to three - behold, quorum. This will be a multi-part series, focusing on different things I did wrong. I want HA, or as close as I can. I know I still have SPOF with power (aside from my UPS), internet, and switching, but my real concern is the ability to drop a node and not notice....

2022-01-19 · 4 min · Stephan Garland